Jumat, 18 Oktober 2019

Asean conference on healthy ageing 2019

Kegiatan Asean conference on healthy ageing 2019. Kegiatan conference ini menghadirkan pembicara selain dari Indonesia dari delegasi negara ASEAN juga dari jepang. 

Sebuah kehormatan diberi kesempatan untuk berbicara menyampaikan ide dan karya yang telah dilakukan di forum international dan dapat belajar langsung dengan pakar. Hal yang disampaikan yaitu mengenai model pendidikan informal untuk lansia yang dapat dilakukan di masyarakat. Diharapkan adanya penyebarluasan informasi sekolah lansia menjadikan masyarakat lebih peduli terhadap lansia untuk tetap aktif dan produktif.



Globally, including in the Asia Pacific regions,there are two persons entering the age of 60 in one second. It means that there are nearly 58 million people at the age of 60+ each year.  On average there are one in nine people who will be 60+ years old, and this ratio will be 5: 1 by 2050. If in the world, in 1950 there were 205 million people at 60+, 901 million in 2015, accounting for 12.3% population in the world, that will be more than 2 billion people, accounting for 22% by 2050. Although aging population is the positive result of social progress, economic development, health care improvement, it makes challenges to the growth of economies as the shortage of labor resource, rising health cost, social security, impact on savings, investment, consumption, shifting migration flows.

Asian populations have continued to grow; the region including South EastAsia (SEA)  Countries now has over 60 percent of theworld’s population and six of the 10 largest nations. There are health consequences related to large, expanding populations, although theconnections are often complex and mediated by social, economic, and technologicalfactors, and considerably influenced by governmental policies in health care and healthy ageing strategies. Healthcare demand in Southeast Asia (SEA) is increasing rapidly, driven by population growth rates that are expected to outstrip those of other geographies, and an epidemiological shift from infectious diseases to a chronic disease pattern matching western markets. Most of SEA’s spending on healthcare comes from the public sector (sometimes augmented by state-run insurance funds and personal expenditures).

To cope with improving health status of older persons, healthy and active ageing practices in Asia – Pacific and SEA have similarity in term of traditional pattern of community solidaritysuch as practices of family support, policy reforms that encourage older persons who are still capable to remain in the work place, and the ones who are not fully capable of self care and need long term care and end of life care. On the other hand there are gaps between develop countries and developing countries in the development of technology such as information technology, transportation, and various high technology in delivery services for the elderly.

Based on the above mentioned background, National Commission for Older Persons Indonesia, in collaboration with Active Aging Consortium Asia Pacific and Healthy Ageing Society of ASEAN Countries would conduct a conference on: Healthy Ageing in ASEAN Countries.


Main Objective 

Exchange knowledge and experiences in healthy ageing ASEAN

Specific Objectives

1. Analyze policy challenges and country approaches in  healthy ageing including   long-term care from various related multi sectors

2. Utilize research findings to support the development of  healthy ageing practices.

3. Lesson learned about multi disciplinary and multi sector  approach in the delivery of  wide range of care

4. Provide recommendations of  evidence/research  based to promote healthy ageing

5.Provide suggestions for further research

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